Rasoul Sorkhabi
Research Professor
Petroleum Geology
Tectonics and Structural Geology
Geochronology & Thermochronology
Basin, Time, Heat, Structure, and Fluid Flow Integration
Regional & Basin Experience
Southeast and Central Asia
Middle East and North Africa
North America
From the Himalayas (through Tethys and Gondwana) to Deepwater basins
1992 Post-Doctoral Fellow, USA
1991 Ph.D. Japan
1985 M.Sc. India
1983 B.Sc. India
Language Skills
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Geological Society of Japan (GSJ)
Geological Society of India (GSI)
Petroleum History Institute (PHI)
History of Earth Science Society (HESS)
2018 Distinguished Service Award, Petroleum History Institute
2013 University of Utah, College of Engineering, “Top Graduate Teachers Fall 2013″
2008 University of Utah, Energy & Geoscience Institute’s Research Performance Award
1992-1994 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Arizona State University, Department of Geology
1987 Japanese Government Scholarship for Ph.D. research at Kyoto University
1985 Gold Medal for standing First Position in M.Sc. (Geology), Dept. of Geology, Jammu University (India)
Sorkhabi, Rasoul (Ed.) Springer’s Encyclopedia of Petroleum Geoscience (in progress)
Craig, Jonathan, Gerali, Francesco, MacAulay, Fiona, and Sorkhabi, Rasoul (Eds.) (2018) History of the European Oil and Gas Industry. Geological Society, London, Special Paper 465. 480 p.
Sorkhabi, Rasoul (Ed.) (2017) Tectonic Evolution, Collision, and Seismicity of Southwest Asia. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO. GSA Special Paper 525, 675 p.
Wannier, M., Lessar, Ph., Lee, Ch., Raven, H., Sorkhabi, R., and Ibrahim, A. (2011) Geological Excursions Around Miri, Sarawak. Ecomedia, Malaysia, 280 p.
Sorkhabi, R., and Heydari, E. (Eds.) (2008) Asia Out of the Tethys: Geochronologic, Tectonic and Sedimentary Records. Tectonophysics (Elsevier), Special Thematic Issue, volume 451, pp. 1-391.
Sorkhabi, R., and Tsuji, Y. (Eds.) (2005) Faults, Fluid Flow and Petroleum Traps. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK. AAPG Memoir 85, 342 p.
Macfarlane, A., Sorkhabi, R., and Quade, J. (Eds.) (1999) Himalaya and Tibet: Mountain Roots to Mountain Tops. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO. GSA Special Paper 328, 330 p.