Guyana-Suriname Basin Study
Immediate Delivery | ArcGIS & Individual Well Files
Are you preparing for the shallow water and nearshore Bid Round 2023-2024? If so, EGI holds the data you need for the six offshore blocks Suriname is offering!
Now is the time to act! Learn more about the excellent opportunities powered by our subsurface data in the region.
Recent discoveries offshore Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana have placed this petroleum province in the spotlight. These discoveries indicate massive occurrent of oil and gas in the region and the need for regional synthesis and quantitative geologic and geochemical data on petroleum systems. Their offshore basins still offer plenty of room for further explorations and large discoveries.
EGI has conducted more than a dozen of studies in this region. This study report is designed to:
(1) Integrate all of data from EGI reports as well as research papers in a coherent schema.
(2) Compile geochemical data and add new geochemical analyses on select samples.
(3) Construct new paleofacies maps for key stratigraphic horizons from onshore to deepwater.
(4) Construct litho-chrono-bio-stratigraphic columns for the wells.
(5) Assemble structural and geophysical data on a unified, easy-to-use platform.
- ArcGIS integration and display of stratigraphic, geochemical, and well data and maps, including access to publicly-available seismic images.
- Characterization of the offshore petroleum systems in the region by new geochemical and paleofacies data.

Exploration activities in offshore Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.
To purchase or ask questions, please contact:
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Ph.D. |
Eiichi Setoyama, Ph.D. |
You may also email or call 801-581-5126.