Value to Sponsors:
Determination of:
- Flexural forebulge location of the Llanos foreland basin in time.
- Flexure-driven normal fault patterns of the Llanos foreland basin in time and space.
- Major mountain building events of the Eastern Cordillera in time and space.
- Major advance events of the Eastern Cordillera in time and space.
- Expulsion timing in the hydrocarbon kitchens of all recognized oil families.
- Of the spatial distribution of results of each individual migration pulse.
- Lateral and vertical migration segments of each migration pulse.
Petroleum Migration History – Colombian Foreland I01286
- GIS map database that will include geographic information, topography, shaded relief, satellite image, basin outlines, protected areas, surface geologic map, well locations, oil and gas fields, petroleum infrastructure, data and sample locations, interpretations, and location points derived from this study
- Digital hot-linked report with particular emphasis on aspects that impact shale gas/liquid potential, including structural/tectonic setting, burial history, petroleum system, geochemistry, heterogeneity, fractures/faults, petrology, petrography, and rock properties, including key maps, cross sections, diagrams and tabulations
- A ranking of the potentiality of the basins studied, including a geostatistical analysis of the most salient characteristics required for shale gas/liquids play definition
Foreland strata accretion into the developing thrustbelt taper accelerated sediment transport from the emergent portion of the orogen undergoing mountain building control a relatively rapid burial of the proximal portion of the foreland basin. They are the most prominent factors affecting the expulsion timing from the organic rich strata residing under and inside the foreland basin fill.
If the contraction driving the thrustbelt and foreland basin development is orthogonal to thrustbelt and basin axes, hydrocarbon expulsion from source rocks of the same stratigraphic age is more-or-less synchronous along strike. However, the timing can quickly gain more complex character if the contraction is either oblique to the axis of linear thrustbelt-foreland basin system or fanning inside of salients and reentrants of the curved thrustbelt-foreland basin system.
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Salt Lake City, UT 84108