Peter Rose
Research Professoror
Hydraulic and chemical stimulation technologies for enhancing formation permeability
Chemical tracer technologies
Engineered Geothermal Systems
Regional & Basin Experience
Coso geothermal field
Basin and Range region of Western U.S.
Rhine Graben in Alsace, France
1993 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Utah
1978 M.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Utah
1974 B.A. in Chemistry, California State University, Chico
International Energy Association
Geothermal Resources Council
2005 Received the second-highest rating among 25 projects reviewed in a Department of Energy Geothermal Program Review for the project entitled “Creation of an Engineered Geothermal System through Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation”
2006 Subtask Leader for the International Energy Association’s Geothermal Implementing Agreement program for HDR/EGS field experiments. In this capacity, developed tracers, novel tracer testing techniques, and mineral dissolution agents for chemical stimulation at the Soultz, France HDR project.
2006 Guest editor for the geothermal energy journal Geothermics for a special issue on Hot Dry Rock at the Soultz, France site of the European Hot Dry Rock program
2001 Fellowship from the Japanese Agency of Industrial Science and Technology to participate in a field research project at the site of the Japanese Hot Dry Rock Program in Hijiori, Japan.
Rose, P.E., Mella, M., and McCulloch, J., (2006) A Comparison of Hydraulic Stimulation Experiments at the Soultz, France and Coso, California Engineered Geothermal Systems: Proceedings, 31st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University SGP-TR-179.
Rose, P.E., Barton, C., Petty, S., McCulloch, J., Moore, J.M., Kovac, K., Sheridan, J., Spielman, P., and Berard, B. (2002) Creation of an Enhanced Geothermal System through Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation: GRC Transactions, 26, pp. 245-250.
Nimmo, J.R., Perkins, K.S., Rose, P.E., Rousseau, J.P., Orr, B.R., Twining, B.V., and Anderson, S.R., (2002), Kilometer-scale rapid transport of naphthalene sulfonate tracer in the unsaturated zone at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory: Vadose Zone Journal, 1, pp. 89-101.
Rose, P.E., S.D. Johnson, Y.L. Wong, T. Carter, C. Kasteler, and P. Kilbourn (2002) Sub Part-Per-Trillion Detection of a Fluorescent Tracer at the Dixie Valley and Beowawe Geothermal Reservoirs: GRC Transactions, 26, 113-117.
Rose, P.E., Mella, M., Kasteler*, C., and S.D. Johnson, (2004) The Estimation of Reservoir Pore Data from Tracer Data: Proceedings, 29th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University SGP-TR-175.
Rose, P.E., McCulloch, J., Adams, M.C., and Mella, M. (2005) An EGS Stimulation Experiment under Low-Wellhead Conditions: Proceedings, 30th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University SGP-TR-176.
Rose, P.E., Johnson, S.D., and Kilbourn, P.M., and Kasteler, C. (2002) Tracer Testing at Dixie Valley, Nevada Using 1-Naphthalene Sulfonate and 2,6-Naphthalene Disulfonate: Proc. Twenty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, SGP-TR-171.
Rose, P.E., Sheridan, J., McCulloch, J., Moore, J.M., Kovac, K, Weidler, R, and Hickman, S. (2005) The Coso EGS Project Recent Developments: Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey.
Kleimeyer, J.A., Rose, P.E., and Harris, J.M., (2001), Determination of ultratrace-level fluorescent tracer concentrations in environmental samples using a combination of HPLC separation and laser-excited fluorescence multiwavelength emission detection: application to testing of geothermal well brines: Applied Spectroscopy, 55(6), 690-700.
Sheridan, J., Kovac, K., Rose, P.E., Barton, C., McCulloch, J., Berard, B., Moore, J.M., Petty, S., and Spielman, P. (2003) In situ stress, fracture and fluid flow analysis East Flank of the Coso Geothermal Field: Proc. Twenty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, SGP-TR-173.