Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Reservoirs
CO2 Capture
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Process Intensification
Regional & Basin
Unconventional reservoir modeling
Liquids production and recovery from Shales , Direct experience with a
variety of unconventional plays throughout the United States, including the Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford and Niobrara.
Post Doc.Research Associate, 2015-12017, Energy & Geoscience Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
PhD. 2014, Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Masters of Science, 2007, Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India
Bachelor of Science, 2003, Chemical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, WB, India
Language Skills
2017 Present Associate Editor – Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
2015 Outstanding reviewer – Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
2011 ConocoPhillips Fellowship ( 2011-1014)
2009 Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, NRC Award 3rd Best Paper
Palash Panja, Chamila Manankandayalage, Maksudul Alam, Milind Deo, 2023, Understanding the performance of membrane for direct air capture of CO2, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023;e54802
Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Palash Panja, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Milind Deo, Brian McPherson, 2022, Decline Curve Analysis using Machine Learning Algorithms: RNN, LSTM, GRU, and Transformer, 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June, https://doi.org/10.56952/ARMA-2023-0287
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, 2023, Production Sweetspots of Eight US Shale Plays Constrained by Data Analytics of Normalized Production Index, Payzone Depth, and Initial GOR, URTEC-3866019-MS, https://doi.org/10.15530/urtec-2023-3866019
Dipendu Saha, Vidha Bhasin, Syed Khalid, Noah Smeriglio, Sebastian Cuka, Dibyendu Bhattacharyya, James Rodgers, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, Tyler Apple, 2023, Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements in Carboxylated Mesoporous Carbon, Separation and Purification Technology, 314, 123583, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.123583
Robert Davis, Palash Panja, John McLennan,2023, Integrated Workflow for Interpretation of Satellite Imageries using Machine Learning to Predict Algal Bloom in Utah Lake, USA, Ecological Informatics, 75, 102033, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102033
Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Palash Panja, John McLennan, Brian McPherson, 2022, Injection of Flue Gas Improves CO2 Permeability and Storage Capacity in Coal: A Promising Technology, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Houston, Texas, 3–5 October 2022
Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, Pranay Asai, Milind Deo, 2022, New Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) Model with Coupled Geomechanics and Fluid Flow, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), Houston, Texas, 20-22 June
Palash Panja, Rasoul Sorkhabi, 2022, Geomechanical Controls on Production Performance of Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Oil Wells in Southern Texas, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2022), 26-29 June, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Zachariah Phelan, Pengju Xing, Palash Panja, Joseph Moore, John McLennan, 2022, Prediction of Formation Properties Based on Drilling Data of Geothermal Wells at Utah FORGE Site Using Machine Learning, ARMA, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2022), 26-29 June, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Palash Panja, Wei Jia, Brian McPherson, 2022, Prediction of Well Performance in SACROC Formation using Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network, Expert Systems With Applications, 205, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117670
Palash Panja, Brian McPherson, Milind Deo, 2022, Techno-Economic Analysis of Amine-based CO2 Capture Technology: Hunter Plant Case Study, Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2022, 10.1016/j.ccst.2022.100041
Palash Panja, David A. Wood, 2022. Production decline curve analysis and reserves forecasting for conventional and unconventional gas reservoirs. Chapter 7 in, Wood, D.A., Cai, J. (Eds.) Sustainable natural gas reservoir and production engineering, Elsevier, p.183-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824495-1.00003-6
Rasoul Sorkhabi and Palash Panja, 2021, Not All Shales Play the Same Game: Comparative Analysis of US Shale Oil Formations by Reverse Engineering and Petroleum Systems, URTec: 5660, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), 26-28 July, Houston, Texas, USA
Palash Panja, Sidney Green, Milind Deo, Richard Allis, Richard Newhart, Kevin Kitz, Joseph Moore, John McLennan, 2021, Multi-Layer Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage in the Uinta Basin, ARMA 21-21, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2021), 18-25 June, Houston, Texas, USA
Pranay Asai, Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, and Milind Deo,2021, Flow of Long Chain Hydrocarbons Through Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs), Scientific Reports, 11, 11015
Oluwafemi John Omotilewa, Palash Panja, Carlos Vega-Ortiz, John McLennan, 2021 Evaluation of enhanced coalbed methane recovery and carbon dioxide sequestration potential in high volatile bituminous coal, Journal of Natural gas Science and Engineering, Volume 91, Article 103979
Palash Panja, Sid Green, John McLennan, 2021, Impact of Heterogeneity in Permeability on Geothermal Battery Energy Storage, Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 5(2)
Jerjes Porlles, Palash Panja, Rasoul Sorkhabi, John McLennan, 2021, Integrated Porosity Methods for Estimation of Gas-in-Place in the Muerto Formation of Northwestern Peru, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 202, Article 108558
Palash Panja, Sid Green, John McLennan, 2021, Influence of Permeability Anisotropy and Heterogeneity on Geothermal Energy Battery Storage, Geothermics, Volume 90, 101998
Rasoul Sorkhabi and Palash Panja, 2020, Data Analysis of the Permian Basin Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Leads to Better Understanding of Production Sweetspots, SPE-201730-MS, Accepted in Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 5 – 7 October, Denver, Colorado, USA
Jerjes Porlles, Palash Panja, Rasoul Sorkhabi, John McLennan, 2020, Estimation of the gas-in-place in the Muerto Formation of NW Peru: Application of the integrated porosity method to a shale reservoir, Under review in Journal of Gas Science and Engineering
Raul Velasco, Palash Panja, and Milind Deo, 2020, Production Prediction of Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs Based on Dynamic Material Balances, Under review in AIChE Journal
Palash Panja, Jan Goral, John McLennan, Milind Deo,2020, Prediction of Geomechanical Properties from Elemental Analysis using Machine Learning Algorithm, Accepted in 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2020), 28 June–1 July, Golden, Colorado, USA
Palash Panja, Sid Green, John McLennan,2020, Temperature and Pressure Profiles for Geothermal Battery Energy Storage in Sedimentary Basins, Accepted in 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2020), 28 June–1 July, Golden, Colorado, USA
Palash Panja, Tyrell Xavier Pack, Milind Deo, 2020, Operational Optimization of Absorption Column in Capturing CO2 from Flue gas in Coal-Fired Power Plant, Chemical Engineering Communications
Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2020, Understanding and Modeling of Gas-Condensate Flow in Porous Media, Advance in Geo-Energy Research, 4(2), 173-186
Palash Panja, Pranay Asai, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2020, Pre-processing Protocol for Nonlinear Regression of Uneven Spaced-Data, Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 12(1)
Dhrupad R. Beti, Palash Panja, Chunqing Jiang, Terry A. Ring, Raymond Levey, 2020, Hydrocarbon Distributions of Incremental S1 Peaks Corresponding to Different Boiling Point Ranges of Petroleum in Rock Samples, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 191, Article 107174
Dhrupad R. Beti, Palash Panja, Chunqing Jiang, Marina Milovic, Rachel Robinson, Terry A. Ring, Raymond Levey, 2020, Change in Hydrocarbon Composition in Rock Samples as a Function of Time: A Thermodynamic Evaporation Model, Journal of Natural gas Science and Engineering, Volume 77, Article 103238
Jan Goral, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, Matthew Andrew, Sven Linden, Jens-Oliver Schwarz, and Andreas Wiegmann, 2020, Confinement Effect on Porosity and Permeability of Shales, Scientific Reports, 10:49
Palash Panja, and Mamata Mukhopadhyay, 2019, Extraction of Natural Sweetener from Stevia Leaves Using Pressurized Hot Water, Journal of Nutraceuticals and Food Science, Volume 4, Issue 1
Pranay Asai, Palash Panja, John McLennan, Milind Deo, 2019, Effect of Different Flow Schemes on Heat Recovery from Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), Energy, 175, 667-676
Pranay Asai, Palash Panja, John McLennan, Joseph Moore, 2019, Efficient Workflow for Simulation of Multifractured Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), Renewable Energy, 131, 763-777,
Palash Panja, Manas Pathak, Milind Deo, 2019, Productions of Volatile Oil and Gas-Condensate from Liquid Rich Shales, Advance in Geo-Energy Research, 3(1), 29-42
Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2018, SPE-191774-MS, Stimulated Oil Reservoir Volume Estimation of Prominent US Tight Oil Formations, SPE Liquids-Rich Basins Conference–North America, 5–6 September in Midland, Texas, USA
Pranay Asai, Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, John McLennan, Joseph Moore, 2018, Fluid Flow Distribution in Fractures for a Doublet System in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), Geothermics, 75, 171–179
Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, 2018, Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons from Shales, Encyclopedia of Petroleum Geoscience / Springer edited by Rasoul Sorkhabi
Palash Panja, Jing Zhou, Milind Deo, 2020, Simplification of Complex Fracture Morphology and Its Impact on Production, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 23(2)
Pranay Asai, Palash Panja, John McLennan, Joseph Moore, 2018, Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS): Surrogate models, Sensitivity study and Ranking Key Parameters, Renewable Energy, 122, 184-195
Raul Velasco, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, 2018, Simplification Workflow for Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs, Petroleum, Petroleum 4 (2) 134-147
Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, Manas Pathak, Milind Deo, 2018, Application of Artificial Intelligence to Forecast Hydrocarbon Production from Shales, Petroleum, 4(1), pp 75-89
Raul Velasco, Palash Panja, Manas Pathak, Milind Deo, 2017, Analysis of North-American Tight Oil Production, AIChE Journal, 64(4), 1479-1484.
Palash Panja, 2017, Green Extraction Methods of Food Polyphenols from Vegetable Materials, Current Opinion in Food Science
Palash Panja, Manas Pathak, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2017, Study Applied LSSVM to Tight Reservoirs, Trade Journal, Special Report: Shale Resource Science, The American Oil & Gas Reporter, March
William J. Ashley, Palash. Panja, Milind Deo, 2017, Surrogate Models for Production Performance from Heterogeneous Shales, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 159, 244-256
Manas Pathak, Palash Panja, Raymond Levey, Milind Deo, 2017 Effect of the Presence of Organic Matter on Bubble Points of Oils in Shales, AIChE Journal, 63(7), 3083-3095
Manas Pathak, Hyukmin Kweon, Palash Panja, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2017, Suppression in the Bubble Points of Oils in Shales: Combined Effect of Presence of Organic Matter and Confinement, SPE-185080-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, 15 – 16 February, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Manas Pathak, Raul Velasco, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, 2017, SPE-187067-MS, Experimental Verification of Changing Bubble Points of Oils in Shales: Effect of Preferential Absorption by Kerogen and Confinement of Fluids, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 9 – 11 October, San Antonio, Texas
Raul Velasco, Manas Pathak, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, 2017, What happens to permeability at the nanoscale? A molecular dynamics simulation study, Society of Petroleum Engineers Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), 24- 26 July, Austin, Texas
Palash Panja, Tyler Conner and Milind Deo, 2016, Factors Controlling Production in Hydraulically Fractured Low Permeability Oil Reservoirs, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 13(1)
Palash Panja, and Milind Deo, 2016, Unusual Behavior of Produced Gas Oil Ratio in Low Permeability Fractured Reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 144, 76-83
Palash Panja, and Milind Deo, 2016, Factors that Control Condensate Production from Shales: Surrogate Reservoir Models and Uncertainty Analysis, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 19(1), SPE-179720-PA
Palash Panja, Manas Pathak, Raul Velasco, Milind Deo, 2016, Least Square Support Vector Machine: An Emerging Tool for Data Analysis, SPE-180202-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers Low Permeability Symposium, 5-6 May, Denver, Colorado
Raul Velasco, Palash. Panja, Milind Deo, 2016, New Production Performance and Prediction Tool for Unconventional Reservoirs, Society of Petroleum Engineers Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), 1- 3 August, San Antonio, Texas
Richard Roehner, Palash Panja, and Milind Deo, 2016, Reducing Gas Flaring in Oil Production from Shales, Energy & Fuels, 30 (9), pp 7524–7531
Manas Pathak, Palash Panja, Hai Huang, Milind Deo, 2016, Enhanced Recovery in Shales: Molecular Investigation of CO2 Energized Fluid for Re-Fracturing Shale Formations, Society of Petroleum Engineers Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), 1- 3 August, San Antonio, Texas
Manas Pathak, Milind Deo, Palash Panja, Raymond Levey, 2015, The Effect of Kerogen-hydrocarbons Interaction on the PVT Properties in Liquid Rich Shale Plays, Society of Petroleum Engineers Unconventional Resource Conference, 20-22 October, Calgary, Canada
Palash Panja, Tyler Conner and Milind Deo, 2013, Grid Sensitivity Studies in Hydraulically Fractured Low Permeability Reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 112, 78-87.
Mamata Mukhopadhyay and Palash Panja, 2009, Pressurized Hot Water as a Novel Extractant of Natural Products-A Review, Indian Chemical Engineers Volume 51, Issue 4, pages 311-32.
Mamata Mukhopadhyay and Palash Panja, 2008, A novel process for extraction of natural sweetener from licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) roots, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 63, Issue 3, 3 November, Pages 539-545.
Mamata Mukhopadhyay and Palash Panja, 2008, Recovery of phytochemicals from kokum (Garcinia indica choisy) using pressurized hot water, International Journal of Food Engineering: 4(8), Article 13.
Research Interests
- Improved liquid recovery from shale
- Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS)
- CO2 capture & injection
- Machine learning
- Molecular dynamics in nanopores
- Rock on a chip
- Food, Energy & Water nexus
Palash Panja joined EGI in 2015 as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. He is an instructor in the Department of Chemical Engineering teaching courses for BS in Chemical Engineering and MS in Petroleum Engineering. He is working closely with EGI Affiliate Scientist Dr. Milind Deo on the Improved Liquid Recovery in Shales project, Palash is examining various reservoir engineering aspects of conventional and unconventional reservoirs as well as working on existing EGI projects and developing new projects in collaboration with EGI staff and Corporate Associates.
After receiving his Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Palash earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Utah, specializing in petroleum and reservoir engineering.
Palash has worked 5 years with a variety of companies ranging from downstream companies to upstream production companies to University research. He worked for three years for ONGC, India’s largest public E&P Company, serving as a production engineer on an offshore gas and condensate production platform.
As a graduate research assistant at the University of Utah, Palash worked on EGI’s Liquids from Shales Phase 1 and 2 projects, enhancing his global oil and gas understanding through direct experience with a variety of unconventional plays throughout the United States, including the Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford and Niobrara.
Panja’s current interests include production optimization from unconventional reservoirs while minimizing the environmental impacts, improved hydrocarbon recovery, CO2 capture and injection, geothermal field development, interactions between flow and thermodynamics, surrogate model development, data analysis using machine learning etc. He has published more than 20 articles in journals and conferences.
Research Experience & Focus:
Generate surrogate models for black oil and condensates in shales for quick production forecast, sensitivity study, and to assess the uncertainties in recoveries.
• Understand the flow and thermodynamic behaviors of hydrocarbons in nanopores through molecular dynamics simulation.
• Develop model for completion and production from fractured basement reservoirs.
• Study the importance of petrophysical and other parameters on production and recovery from shales.
• Design an efficient system to extract heat from an enhanced geothermal system (EGS)
• Apply machine learning in various aspects of reservoir characterization, field development, completion, production and completion operational strategies.
• Develop and improve modules of University developed in-house reservoir simulator A.R.T.S.