Eiichi Setoyama, Ph.D. | Rasoul Sorkhabi, Ph.D. | Bryony Richards, Ph.D. Christopher Kesler

Status: In Development | Report Number I 01412

Cost for sponsors:

The study report is delivered on the ArcGIS platform.

US $40,000 Non-CA companies
US $32,000 EGI CA Members

ArcGIS geodatabase compiled from EGI reports, public data sources, and the literature with reference linking.

Report with convenient, accessible evaluation of all African gas basins, including information on their geology, natural gas field development, production, future upside and potential markets.

Figure 2. Project workflow


This study report aims to assist energy E&P companies to diversify their portfolio and increase their natural gas supply sources and routes from African basins.

This EGI study report is a new evaluation of the African basins both onshore and offshore in terms of their natural gas pools and potential (Figure 1). The database is harvested from EGI archive as well as other survey reports and research papers, and includes geologic, geochemical and geophysical information, natural gas field development and production, and basinal and infrastructure maps (Figure 2). The report will enhance the E&P investigations and decision-making activities.

Figure 1. Undiscovered, technically recoverable conventional gas resource estimate by USGS.


Rasoul Sorkhabi, Ph.D.|

Eiichi Setoyama, Ph.D. |

Phone: 801-581-5126