EGI’s Corporate Associate Members gain immediate access to EGIconnect, our members-only online database of EGI reports, technical documents, and onshore and offshore data from study sites worldwide. EGI adds new data, other technical reports, and new EGI reports to EGIconnect.
Scientific collaboration with industry specialists and corporate associates drives scientific innovation. Access knowledge that lowers the cost of exploration and enhances production.
Important updates:
The EGI library catalog presented through the EGIconnect platform is undergoing updates that help define the study area and scope of reports, articles, dissertations, theses and maps more clearly. This update process enables the new EGIconnect search tool to quickly return available EGI library items within or near a client’s area of interest. EGIconnect also has a new EGI library summary tool that generates a list and optional report of all available EGI library items within a client-defined area of interest. Lastly, as a reminder, the map layers presented through EGIconnect can always be consumed by client-side GIS applications and ArcGIS online accounts.
Contact us to learn more about EGIconnect:

> $850 Million of Research Available
EGI research projects are cost-shared
collaborations between EGI‘s corporate
associates, project sponsors, and partners.
Completed project reports become
available to all corporate associates.
>900 Completed EGI Reports
EGI scientists conduct timely research on
energy, minerals, environmental science,
and engineering. Corporate associates have access to EGI’s library of regional studies from global locations and thematic studies.
> 18,000 Technical Documents
EGI collects reports, articles, and other
technical documents to compliment EGI’s
research studies.
> 4,000 Well Logs
Well log images collected from global study
sites around the world. EGIconnect contains both onshore and offshore well logs.
350,000 km 2D Seismic Data
EGI scientists conduct timely research on
energy, minerals, environmental science,
and engineering. Corporate associates have access to EGI’s library of regional studies from global locations and thematic studies.