Dvory, N. Z., McLennan, J. D. (2024). Stress Field Dynamics and Fault Slip Potential in the Paradox Basin. JGR Solid Earth, 129(7), (July 2024) e2024JB028891

Fei, F., Wang, C., Cusini, M., Frash, L., Kroll. K., (2024). Modeling of Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests (DFITs) for In-situ Stress Characterization in the Utah FORGE Reservoir. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Finnila, A., Jones, C. (2024). Updated Reference Discrete Fracture Network Model at Utah FORGE. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Fu, W., Damjanac, B., Radakovic-Guzina, Z., Finnila, A., Podgorney, R., Mclennan, J. (2024). Near-Wellbore DEM Model of Hydraulic Fracture Initiation for Utah FORGE. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Ghassemi, A., Ye, Z., Ratnayake, M. (2024). The Role of Thermo-poroelastic Effects on Transverse Fractures in the Utah FORGE Well 16-A. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Iyare, U., Frash, L., Bijay, K C, Meng, M., Kroll, K., Smith, M., Davila, G., Carey, J., Li, W., Marina, O., Madenova. Y., (2024). Measurements of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Coupling in Granite Shear Fractures at FORGE Using the Triaxial Direct-Shear Test Method. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Jones, C., Simmons, S., Moore, J. (2024). Geology of the Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Site. Geothermics, Vol. 122, 103054, ISSN 0375-6505

Kumawat, P., Zhouc, H., Kitzd, K., McLennana, J., Powella, K., Deo, M., Panjaa, P. (2024). Sensitivity analysis of borehole thermal energy storage (BTES): examining key factors for system optimization. Energy Storage and Savings, 3, 218 230, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enss.2024.04.003

Lee, S., Ghassemi, A., Ajo-Franklin, J., Becker, M. (2024). Numerical Modeling of Stimulation and Circulation in Utah FORGE Wells. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

McClure, M., Irvin, R., England, K., McLennan, J. (2024). Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation and Long-Term Fluid Circulation at the Utah FORGE Project. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Munday, L., Podgorney, R. (2024). Numerically Testing Conceptual Models of the Utah FORGE Reservoir Using July 2024 Circulation Test Data. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Moodie, N., McPherson, B. (2024). An integrated approach to derive relative permeability from capillary pressure. Computational Geosciences, 1-16. rdcu.be/dLy2Z

Niemz, P., McLennan, J., Pankow, K., Rutledge, J., England, K. (2024). Circulation experiments at Utah FORGE: Near-surface seismic monitoring reveals fracture growth after shut-in. Geothermics Vol.119, 102947, ISSN 0375-6505

Panja, P., Deo, D., Powell, K., Green, S., McLennan, J. (2024). Operational Strategies and Well Design for Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES), Geoenergy, doi.org/10.1144/geoenergy2024-008

Panja, P., Vega-Ortiz, C., Deo, D., McPherson, B., Sorkhabi, R. (2024). Statistical Analysis of Estimated Ultimate Recovery: Comparing Machine Learning and Traditional DCA Methods in Eagle Ford and Bakken, URTEC-4049496-MS, SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 17-19 June, doi.org/10.15530/urtec-2024-4049496

Panja, P., Edelman, E., Vega-Ortiz, C., Deo, M., Sorkhabi, R. (2024). Understanding Hydrogen Flow in Depleted Natural Gas Reservoirs, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, 23-26 June

Panja, P., Jia, W., Nelson, A., McPherson, B. (2024). Application of convolutional long short-term memory for spatio-temporal forecastings of hydrocarbon saturations and pressure in oil fields. Petroleum Science and Technology, doi.org/10.1080/10916466.2024.2400303

Radakovic-Guzina, Z., Damjanac, B., Fu, W., Finnila, A., Podgorney, R., Mclennan, J. (2024). Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Back-Analysis of Circulation Program at FORGE in July 2023. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Rose, P., Mclennan, J., Jones, C., Simmons, S., England, K. (2024). Tracer Testing in Well 16B-32 at the Utah FORGE EGS Project. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Sausan, S., Hartung, M., Su, J., Schneider, M., Wright, A., Horne, R. (2024). Updates of the Development of Chloride-based Wireline Tool for Measuring Feed Zone Inflow in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Simmons, S., Jones, C., Kirby, S., Wannamaker, P., Pankow, K., Moore, J. (2024). The Interplay of Impermeable Crystalline Basement Rocks, Tectonic Fracturing and Magmatic Intrusion in the Development of Geothermal Resources at Utah FORGE and Roosevelt Hot Springs. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Sorkhabi, R. (2024). Geoscience for Energy Transition. Geology Today, 40(2) (March–April), 63-71.

Sorkhabi, Rasoul (2024). Geoscience Education, Research and Careers: Towards new roadmaps. The Professional Geologist, 61(1) (Jan-March), 40-44.

Sorkhabi, Rasoul (2024). Archibald Geikie’s Field Trip to the Rocky Mountains in 1879. Outcrop (Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists), 73(8) (August), 16-25.

Vega-Ortiz, C., (2024) CCS in Continental Shelf Gulf of México, Tamaulipas, México (CMP2024_507). México Petroleum Congress, Tampico. (June 2024)

Vega-Ortiz, C., (2024) CCS prospective sites in México. Institutional Research Seminary. Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México City. (June 2024)

Vega-Ortiz, C., (2024) Challenges and current state in regulations for CCS in Mexico. Graduate Research Seminar. Instituto Politecnico Nacional, School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences. Mexico City. (June 2024)

Vega-Ortiz, C., Panja, P., Edelman, E., McPherson, B. (2024) Analysis of machine learning models for prediction of petrophysical data, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, 23-26 June

Velasquez, A., Velazco, A., Escobar, J., Abid, K., Esquitin, Y., Vasques, R., Rocha De Queiroz, L., Teodoriu, C. (2024) Design and Experimental Validation of a Unique Geothermal Downhole Valve for FORGE Project. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Xing, P., Moore, J., Damjanac, B., McLennan, J. (2024) Investigation of Thermal Cooling Effect of Long-Term Circulation in Raft River Enhanced Geothermal System. Geothermics, 120, 103026.

Xing, P., England, K., Moore, J., Podgorney, P., McLennan, J. (2024) Analysis of Circulation Tests and Well Connections at the Utah FORGE. Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Xing, P., McCormack, K., Edelman, E., List, D., Maxwell, G., and McLennan, J. (2024, June). Wellbore Stability Analysis of Wells in Paradox Play in Southeastern Utah: Investigating the Impact of Salt Mobility. Paper presented at 58th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA-2024), Golden, Colorado.

Ye, Z., Ghassemi, A., (2024) The Updated Wellbore Stress Models for Utah FORGE. Stanford Geothermal Workshop


Ahmed, W., McLennan, J., Bhat, G. M., Kanungo, S., Richards, B., Tran, T., Thusu, B., Hakhoo, N., Hafiz, M. (2023). Geomechanical characterization of the Barren Measure Formation in the Raniganj sub-basin of Damodar Basin, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, JGSI-D-23-00349R3.

Bakelli, O., Xiao, T., McPherson, B., Doghmane, M. Z. (2023, October). Geomechanical Characterization of the Broom Creek Reservoir for Geologic Carbon Storage in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.. Paper presented at the International Geomechanics Symposium, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. doi: https://doi.org/10.56952/IGS-2023-0042

Bakelli, O., Kegang, L., Nesheim, T., Mahmood, T., Khetib, Y. (2023, June). Spatial Data Analysis of Water Production from Unconventional Reservoirs, Case Study from the Williston Basin, North Dakota. Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA . doi: https://doi.org/10.56952/ARMA-2023-0859

Bakelli, O., Chellal, H. A. K., Aoun, A. E., Khetib, Y., Mellal, I., Kegang, L. (2023, June). Integrated Reservoir Simulation and Discrete Fracture Network Modeling for Produced Water Source Identification in Tight Reservoirs, Case Study from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin. Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. doi: https://doi.org/10.56952/ARMA-2023-0864

Davis, R., Palash P., McLennan, J. (2023). Integrated Workflow for Interpretation of Satellite Imageries using Machine Learning to Predict Algal Bloom in Utah Lake, USA. Ecological Informatics, 75, 102033. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102033

El-kaseeh, G., & McCormack, K. L. (2023). Multi-Scale Seismic Measurements for Site Characterization and CO₂ Monitoring in an Enhanced Oil Recovery/Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration Project, Farnsworth Field, Texas. Energies, 16(20), 7159.

Hart, M. B., Gebhardt, H., Setoyama, E., Smart, C. W., Tyszka, J. (2023). Triassic and Jurassic possible planktonic foraminifera and the assemblages recovered from the Ogrodzieniec Glauconitic Marls Formation (Uppermost Callovian and lowermost Oxfordian, Jurassic) of the Polish Basin. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 42(2), 277–290. https://doi.org/10.5194/jm-42-277-2023

Mellal, I., Latrach, A., Rasouli, V., Bakelli, O., Dehdouh, A., Ouadi, H. (2023). Water Saturation Prediction in the Middle Bakken Formation Using Machine Learning, Eng, 4(3), 1951-1964. https://doi.org/10.3390/eng4030110

Panja, P., Manankandayalage, C., Alam, M., Deo, M. (2023). Understanding the performance of membrane for direct air capture of CO², Journal of Applied Polymer Science, e54802

Saha, D., Bhasin, V., Khalid, S., Smeriglio, N., Cuka, S., Bhattacharyya, D., Rodgers, J., Panja, P., Deo, M., Apple, T. (2023). Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements in Carboxylated Mesoporous Carbon. Separation and Purification Technology, 314, 123583, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.123583

Sorkhabi, R., Panja, P., Deo, M. (2023, June 13-15). Production Sweetspots of Eight US Shale Plays Constrained by Data Analytics of Normalized Production Index, Payzone Depth, and Initial GOR, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), Denver, Colorado. https://doi.org/10.15530/urtec-2023-3866019

Sorkhabi, R., & Koppes, S. (2023, February). Robert Dietz: From ocean floor mapping to chasing meteorite impacts. GSA Today, 33(2), 18-19.

Sorkhabi, R. (2023, March). Max Steineke: California geologist who awakened the Arabian “elephants.” AAPG Explorer, 22(3), 16-21.

Sorkhabi, R. (2023, April-June). Place-based education in geoscience. Professional Geologist, 60(2), 58-61.

Sorkhabi, R. (2023, July-September). All geology is regional geology: Case-based education in geology. Professional Geologist, 60(3), 40-41.

Sorkhabi, R., & Deo, M. (2023). Finding a greener future beneath the surface of petroleum science and engineering. Issues in Science and Technology (National Academy of Sciences), 40(1), 60-62.

Sorkhabi, R. (2023, October). Geoscience education and workforce development in the Energy transition. First Break, 41(10), 83-86.

Wu, Z., Edelman, E., Smith, P., Smith, S., Irons, T., McPherson, B. (2024). Framework for Bayesian Assessment of Factors that Impact Rock Mechanical Response. Rock Mech Rock Eng. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-023-03552-4

Wu, Z., Simmons, J.D.; Otu, S., Rinehart, A., Luhmann, A., Heath, J., Mozley, P., Majumdar, B.S. (2023). Control of Cement Timing, Mineralogy, and Texture on Hydro-chemo-mechanical Coupling from CO₂ Injection into Sandstone: A Synthesis. Energies, 16(24), 7949. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16247949

Wu, Z., Edelman, E., Smith, P., Smith, S., Irons, T., McPherson, B. (2023, June). Uncertainty Quantification of Young’s Modulus on Core Scale: A Bayesian Analysis on a Comprehensive Geomechanical Model. Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. doi: https://doi.org/10.56952/ARMA-2023-0367

Xiao, T., Chen, T., Ma, Z., Tian, H., Meguerdijian, S., Chen, B., Pawer, R., Huang, L., Xu, T., McPherson, B. (2024). A review of risk and uncertainty assessment for geologic carbon storage. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189, 113945.