Hydrothermal Alteration
Fluid Inclusion Investigations of Geothermal
Petroleum and CO2 Reservoirs
Regional & Basin Experience
- Geologic mapping in the Basin and Range
1975 Ph.D. in Geology, Pennsylvania State University
1972 M.Sc. in Geology, Pennsylvania State University
1969 B.Sc. in Geology, City College of New York
Geological Society of America
Geothermal Resources Council
Utah Geological Association
2012 – Associate Editor for the Americas, Geothermics
2009 – Geothermal Resources Council Special Achievement Award
2008 – Present, Technical Advisory Board, Geothermal Energy Association
2005 – Geothermal Resources Council Special Achievement Award
2003 – Present, Board of Directors, Geothermal Resources Council
1999 – Present, Associate Editor for the Americas, Geothermics
Research Interests
- Hydrothermal Alteration
- Fluid Inclusion Investigations of Geothermal Systems
- Conceptual Models of Geothermal Systems
- Petroleum and CO2 Reservoirs
- Geologic mapping in the Basin and Range
Dr. Joseph Moore received his Ph.D degree from the Pennsylvania State University in 1975 and after graduation worked for the Anaconda Company as a uranium exploration geologist. He holds appointments at the University of Utah as a Research Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics. He has worked on geothermal projects since the mid 1970s. His expertise is in the geology, hydrothermal alteration, fluid inclusions and geochemistry of geothermal systems, and in the development of conceptual models based on geoscientific data. He has published numerous peerreviewed articles on his investigations and in 2009 received the Geothermal Research Council’s (GRC) Pioneer Award for his scientific contributions. Dr. Moore serves as Associate Editor for the Americas of the international journal Geothermics and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Geothermal Resources Council and the Technical Board of the Geothermal Energy Association.
Geothermal Research
Dr. Moore has served as the Principal Investigator on numerous Department of Energy (DOE) funded grants and is currently responsible for DOE’s Raft River, Idaho Enhanced Geothermal System project. Dr. Moore has conducted studies on many of the world’s major geothermal fields under DOE and private sponsorship (e.g., Caithness, Chevron, CalEnergy, Calpine, GeoGlobal, Magma Energy, Ram, Terra-Gen, Raser Technologies, and Unocal among others) and has served as a consultant to government and private organizations including the U.N., US AID, and the State of Utah.
Ali, S.T., Reinish, E.C., Moore, J. Plummer, M., Warren, I. Davatzes, N.C., and Feigl, K.L., 2018, Geodetic Measurements and numerical models of transient deformation at Raft River geothermal field, Idaho, USA: Geothermics, v.74, p. 106-111.
Allis, G., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Mines, G., and Moore, J., 2015, Will stratigraphic reservoirs provide the next big increase in U.S. geothermal power generation?: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v.39.
Allis, R, Moore, J. N., Anderson, T., Deo, M, Kirby, S., Roehner, R., and Spencer, T., 2013, Characterizing the power potential of hot stratigraphic reservoirs in the western U.S.: 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering: 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Allis, R., and Moore J. 2014, Can deep stratigraphic reservoirs sustain 100 MW power plants: GRC Transactions, v. 38.
Allis, R., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Hurlbut, W., and Moore, J., 2018, Thermal Characteristics of the FORGE site, Milford, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin, in press.
Allis, R., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Hurlbut, W., and Moore, J., 2018, Thermal Characteristics of the FORGE site, Milford, Utah: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 42.
Allis, R., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Kirby, S., Moore, J., and Chapman, D., 2015: Re-evaluation of the pre-development thermal regime of Roosevelt Hot Springs geothermal system, Utah: Proceedings, 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015, SGP-TR-204.
Allis, R., Moore, J., Davatzes, N., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Kirby, S., McLennan, J., Pankow, K., Potter, S., and Simmons, S., 2016, EGS concept testing and development at the Milford, Utah FORGE site: Proceedings: 41th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016, SGP-TR-209.
Anderson, A., Blackwell, D, Chickering, C., Boyd, T., Horne, R., MacKenzie, M., Moore, J., Nickull, D., Richard, S., and Shevenell, L.A., 2013, National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) geothermal data domain: 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Asai, P., Panja, P, Velasco, R., McLennan, J., and Moore, J., 2018, Fluid flow distribution in fractures for a doublet system in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Geothermics, v. 75, p. 171-179.
Asai, P., Panja, P., McLennan, J., and Moore, J., 2018, Performance evaluation of enhanced geothermal system (EGS), Surrogate models, sensitivity study and ranking key parameters: Renewable Energy, v. 122, pp. 184-195.
Ayling, B., and Moore, J.N, 2013, Fluid geochemistry at the Raft River geothermal field, Idaho, USA: New data and hydrogeological implications: Geothermics, v. 47, p. 116-126.
Barker, B., Moore, J., Segall, M., Nash, G., Simmons, S., Jones, C., Lear, J., and Bennet, C., 2014, Exploration drilling and Technology Demonstration at Fort Bliss: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Barker, B., Nash, G., Moore, J., and Bennett, C., 2015, Multimodal geothermal development in the Tularosa Basin, NM: Proceedings, 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015, SGP-TR-204.
Bhide, R., Gohring, T., McLennan, J., and Moore, J., Sheared fracture conductivity: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Bradford, J., McLennan, J., Moore, J., Glasby, D., Bailey, A., Rickard, W., Waters, D., Kruwell, R., Bloomfield, K., and King, D., 2013, Recent Developments at the Raft River Geothermal Field: Proceedings, 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Bradford, J., McLennan, J., Moore, J., Podgorney, R. and Tiwari, S. 2015. Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation Program at Raft River Idaho, A DOE EGS: GRC Transactions, Volume 39. Reno, NV: Geothermal Resources Council. 261-268.
Bradford, J., McLennan, J., Moore, J., Podgorney, R., Nash, G., Mann, M., Rickard, W., and Glaspey, D., 2016, Numerical Modeling of the Stimulation Program at RRG-9 ST1, a DOE EGS: Proceedings, 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford, CA: Stanford University. February 22-24, 2016, SGP-TR-209.
Bradford, J., Moore, J., Ohren, M., McLennan, J., Osborn, W., Majer, E., Nash, G., Podgorney, R., and Freifeld, B., 2015, Recent thermal and hydraulic stimulation results at Raft River, ID EGS site: Proceedings, 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015, SGP-TR-204.
Bradford, J., Ohren, M., Osborn, W., McLennan, J., Moore, J., and Podgorney, R., 2014, Thermal stimulation and injectivity testing at Raft River, ID EGS site: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Brinton, D., Bhide,R., Walton, I., Moore, J. and McLennan, J., 2014, Proppant flowback modeling for Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Hydraulic Fracturing Quarterly, p. 99-107.
Childers, M. I., Endrews, M., Burns, C., Garcia, B. J., Liu, J., Wietsma, T. W., Bonneville, A., Moore, J., Leavy, I. I., Zhong, L., Schaef, H. H., Wang, H.-F., and Fernandez, C. A., 2017, Novel highly dispersible, thermally stable core/shell proppants for geothermal applications: Geothermics, v. 70, p. 98-109, doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.05.013.
Craig, J., Absar, A., Bhat, G., Cadel, G., Hafiz, M., Kashkari, R., Moore, J., Ricchiuto, T.E., Thurow, J., and Thusu, B., 2013, Hot springs and the geothermal energy potential of Jammu and Kashmir State, N.W. Himalaya, India, Earth-Science Reviews (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.05.004.
Craig, S., Udell, K., McLennan, J., and Moore, J., 2014, An experimental study of thermal and hydraulic geothermal reservoir stimulation of brittle impermeable material: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Deo, M., Roehner, R., Allis, R, and Moore, J., 2014, Modeling geothermal energy production from stratigraphic reservoirs in the Great Basin: Geothermics, v. 51, p. 38-55.
Deo, M., Roehner, R., Allis, R., and Moore, J., 2013, Reservoir modeling of geothermal energy production from stratigraphic reservoirs in the Great Basin: Proceedings, 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Etzel, T.M, Bowman, J.R., Moore, J.N., Valley, J.W., Spicuzza, M.J., and McCulloch, J.M., 2017, Oxygen Isotope Systematics in an Evolving Geothermal System: Coso Hot Springs, California: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 329, p. 54-68.
Etzel, T.M., Bowman, J.R., McCulloch, J.M., Moore, J.N., Spicuzza, M.J., and Valley, J.W., 2013, Oxygen isotopic evidence of water-rock interactions in the Coso geothermal system: Proceedings, 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Forbes, B., Nadimi, S., Finilla, A., Moore, J., Podgorney, R., and McLennan, J. D, 2018, Natural Fracture Characterization at the Utah FORGE EGS Test Site: Discrete Natural Fracture Network, Stress Field and Permeability, Utah Geological Survey Bulletin, in press.
Gwynn, M., Allis, R., Hardwick, C., Hill, J., and Moore, J., 2016, A new look at the thermal regime around Roosevelt Hot Springs: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 40.
Han, W.S., Lu, M. McPherson, B.J., Keating, E.H, Moore, J., Park, E., Watson. Z.T., and Jung, N.-H, 2013, Characteristics of CO2-driven Cold-Water Geyser, Crystal Geyser in Utah: Experimental Observation and Mechanism Analyses: Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12018.
Hardwick C.L., Gwynn, M., Allis, R., Wannamaker, P., and Moore, J., 2016, Geophysical signatures of the Milford, Utah FORGE Site: Proceedings, 41th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016, SGP-TR-209.
Hardwick, C., Hurlbut, W., Gwynn, M., Allis, R., Wannamaker, and Moore, J., 2018, Geophysical Surveys of the Milford, Utah, FORGE Site: Gravity and TEM: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin, in press.
Hardwick, C., Hurlbut, W., Gwynn, M., Allis, R., Wannamaker, and Moore, J., 2018, Geophysical Surveys of the Milford, Utah, FORGE Site: Gravity and TEM: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 42.
Holbrook, J., Moore, J., and Snyder, W., 2013, The promise of geothermal energy in Tracking an Energy Elephant: Science and engineering challenges for unlocking the geothermal potential of sedimentary basins: NSF-SEES Workshop Report, p. 10-12.
Jones, C.G., Barker, S., Simmons, S.F., Moore, J.N., and Bowman, J.R., 2017, The oxygen and carbon isotope systematic of carbonate-hosted geothermal reservoirs at Cove Fort and Thermo Utah: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Jones, C.G., Moore, J.N., and Simmons, S., 2018, Lithology and Mineralogy of the Utah FORGE EGS Reservoir: Beaver County, Utah Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 42.
Jones, C.G., Moore, J.N., and Simmons, S., 2018, Petrography of the Utah FORGE site and Environs, Beaver County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin, in press.
Jones, C.G., Simmons, S.F., and Moore, J.N., 2014, Proppant behavior under simulated geothermal reservoir conditions: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Kirby, S., Simmons, S., Gwynn, M., Allis, R., and Moore, J., 2015, Comparisons of geothermal systems in central Nevada: evidence for deep regional geothermal potential based on heat flow, geology, and fluid chemistry: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v.39.Com
Lee, S-Y., Pan, F., McPherson, B, Moore, J., and Allis, R., 2013, Probabilistic assessment of the deep sedimentary geothermal system with CO2 injection at reservoir depth: Proceedings, 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering.
Lin, Y., Huang, L., Queen, J., Moore, J., and Ernest Majer, E., 2016, Least-squares reverse-time migration with compressive sensing for sparse seismic data: Proceedings, 41th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016, SGP-TR-209.
Lo Re, C., Kazuba, J.P., Moore, J.N., and McPherson, B.J., 2014, Fluid-rock interactions in CO2-saturated, granite-hosted hydrothermal systems: Experimental insights, thermodynamic predictions, natural systems and commercial operations: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2014.06.015
McLennan, J., Moore, J., and Allis, R., 2017, Geothermal energy: Challenges for EGS development: An editorial perspective: Hydraulic Fracturing Quarterly, v.4. p.80-85.
McLennan, J., Walton, I., Moore, J., Brinton, D., and Lund, J., 2015, Proppant backflow: Mechanical and flow considerations: Geothermics, v. 57, p. 224-237.
Mellors, R., Marks, N., Pullammanappalli, S., Casteel, J., Yang, T., Moore, J., and Jones, C., 2015, Imaging geothermal resources with 3D seismic attributes: Proceedings, 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015, SGP-TR-204.
Mines, G. Allis, R., Moore, J., and Hanson, H., 2014, Economics of developing hot stratigraphic reservoirs: GRC Transactions, v. 38, p. 1047-1054.
Moore, J. Balamir, O., Mann, M., Rickard, W., McLennan, J., 2017, Preliminary testing and evaluation of the Utah FORGE reservoir: Results from well MU-ESW-1: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Moore, J., Allis, R., Pankow, K., Simmons, S., McLennan, J., Wannamaker, P., Rickard, W., Podgorney, R., 2017, The Utah Frontier Observatory For Geothermal Research (FORGE): A laboratory for EGS development: Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop.
Moore, J., McLennan, J., Allis, R., Pankow, K., Simmons, S., Podgorney, R., Wannamaker, P., and Rickard, W., 2018, The Utah Frontier Observatory for Geothermal Research (FORGE): Results of Recent Drilling and Geoscientific Surveys: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 42.
Moore, J.N., 2017, Overview of the Utah FORGE project: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Moore, J.N., and Simmons, S.F., 2013, More power from below (invited perspective): Science, v. 380, 933; DOI: 10.1126/science.1235640.
Nadimi, S., Forbes, B., Finilla, A., Podgorney, R., Moore, J., and McLennan, J., 2018, Natural DFIT and Fracture Modeling of the Utah FORGE Site: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 42.
Nash, G.D., Moore, J.N., 2012, Raft River EGS project: a GIS-centric review of geology: GRC Transactions, v. 36, p. 951-958.
Panja, P, McLennan, J., Moore, J., 2018, Efficient simulation and modeling of multifractured Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): submitted to Renewable Energy.
Pankow, K.L., Potter, S., Zhang, H., and Moore, J., 2017, Local Seismic Monitoring at the Milford, Utah FORGE site: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Patik, V., McPherson, B.J., Priewisch, A., Moore, J., and Moodie, N., 2017, Factors affecting self-sealing of geological faults due to CO2-leakage: Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, v. 00:1-22, DOE: 10.1002/ghg.
Plummer, M., Huang, H., Podgorney, R., Moore, J., Bradford, J., and Ohren, M., 2015, Reservoir response to thermal and high-pressure well stimulation efforts at Raft River, Idaho: Proceedings, 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015, SGP-TR-204.
Plummer, M., Huang, H., Podgorney, R., Moore, J., Bradford, J., and Ohren, M., 2018, Reservoir response to thermal and high-pressure well stimulation efforts at Raft River, Idaho, submitted to Geothermics.
Plummer, M., Palmer, C., Podgorney, R., Bradford, J., and Moore, J., 2014, Hydraulic response to thermal stimulation efforts at Raft River based on stepped rate injection testing: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Rose, P.E., Moore, J.N., Bradford, J., Mella, M., Ayling, B., and McLennan, J., 2017, Tracer testing to characterize hydraulic stimulation experiments at the Raft River EGS demonstration site: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Shao, H., Kabilan, S., Stephens, S., Suresh, N., Beck, A.N., Varga, T., Martin, P.F., Kuprat, A., Jung, H.B., Um, W., Bonneville, A., Heldebrant, D.J., Carroll, K.C., Moore, J., and Fernandez, C.A., 2015, Environmentally friendly, rheorevesrsible, hydraulic-fracturing fluids for enhanced geothermal systems: Geothermics, v. 58, p. 22-31
Simmons, S. Allis, R., Moore, J., Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Kirby, S., and Wannamaker, P., 2017, Conceptual Models of Geothermal Resources in the Eastern Great Basin: 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, 2017, SGP-TR-212.
Simmons, S., and Moore, J., 2014, Preliminary assessment of fluid mineral equilibria in thermal waters from sedimentary formations: implications for geothermal resources: Proceedings, 39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.
Simmons, S., Kirby, S., Jones, C., Moore, J., and Allis, R., 2016, The Geology, Geochemistry, and Hydrology of the EGS FORGE Site, Milford Utah: 41th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016, SGP-TR-209.
Simmons, S., Kirby, S., Moore J., Wannamaker, P., and Allis, R., 2015, Comparative Analysis of Fluid Chemistry from Cove Fort, Roosevelt and Thermo: Implications for Geothermal Resources and Hydrothermal Systems on the East Edge of the Great Basin: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 39.
Simmons, S., Kirby, S., Rahilly, K., Fischer, T., and Moore, J., 2017, Update on the Geochemistry and Geohydrology of the FORGE Deep Well Site, Milford, Utah: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 41.
Simmons, S., Kirby, S.M., Allis, R., Moore, J., and Fischer, T., 2018, The origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids and their flow in response to >30 years of geothermal production, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah, USA.: submitted to Geosphere.
Simmons, S.F., Moore, J.N., and McCulloch, J., Assessment of fluid-mineral equilibria in the Coso geothermal reservoir: Proceedings, New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 2014. 4 p. Auckland, New Zealand.
Wannamaker, P.E., Moore, J.N., Pankow, K.L., Simmons, S.D., Nash, G.D., Maris, V., Batchelor, C., and Hardwick, C.L., 2015, Play fairway analysis of the eastern Great Basin extension regime, Utah: Preliminary Indications: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 39.
McLin, K., Moore, J., Bowman, J., and McCulloch, J., 2012, Mineralogy and fluid inclusion gas chemistry of production well mineral scale deposits at the Dixie Valley geothermal field, USA: Geofluids, Article published online: 22 FEB 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2012.00363.x
Mandalaparty, P., Deo, M., and Moore, J., 2012, Effect of temperature and gas compositions on the aqueous and solid phase chemistry in sequestration environment: submitted to AIChe Journal.
Mandalaparty, P., Deo, M., and Moore, J., 2011, Gas compositional effects on mineralogical reactions in carbon dioxide sequestration, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE 124909, in press.
Lynne, B. Y., Campbell, K. A., Moore, J.N. and Browne, P. R. L., 2008, Origin and evolution of the Steamboat Springs siliceous sinter deposit, Nevada, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Geology, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.07.006.
Moore, J. N, Allis, R. G., Nemčok, M., Powell, T. S., Bruton, C. J., Wannamaker, P. E., Raharjo, I. B. and Norman, D. I., 2008, The evolution of volcano-hosted geothermal systems based on deep wells from Karaha – Telaga Bodas, Indonesia: American Journal of Science, v. 308, p. 1-48.
Hochstein, M., and Moore, J. N., 2008, Geothermal Systems of Indonesia: A Special Issue of Geothermics devoted to Indonesia: Hochstein and Moore, eds.
Nemčok, M., Moore, J. N., Christensen, C., Allis, R., Powell, T., Murray, B. and Nash, G., 2007, Controls on the Karaha-Telaga Bodas geothermal reservoir, Indonesia: Geothermics, v. 36, p. 9-46.
Lynne, B.Y., Campbell, K.A., James, B.J., Browne, P.R.L., and Moore, J.N., 2007 Tracking crystallinity in siliceous hot-spring deposits, American Journal of Science, v.307, p. 612-641
Hochstein, M., and Moore, J.N., 2008, Geothermal Systems of Indonesia: A Special Issue of Geothermics devoted to Indonesia: Hochstein and Moore, eds.
Moore, J.N., Allis, R.G., Nemcok, M., Powell, T.S., Bruton, C.J., Wannamaker, P.E., Raharjo, I.B. and Norman, D.I., 2008, The evolution of volcano-hosted geothermal systems based on deep wells from Karah – Telaga Bodas, Indonesia: American Journal of Science, v. 308, pg 1-48
Lynne, B.Y., Campbell, K.A., Moore, J.N. and Browne, P.R.L., 2008, Origin and evolution of the Steamboad Springs siliceous sinter deposit, Nevada, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Geology, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.07.006
Moore, J., Adams, M., Allis, R., Lutz, S. and Rauzi, S., 2004, CO2 mobility in natural reservoirs beneath the Colorado Plateau and southern Rocky Mountains: an example from the Springerville-St. Johns field, Arizona and New Mexico: Chemical Geology, v. 217, p. 365-385.
Nemcok, M., Moore, J. N., Allis, R., McCulloch, J., 2004, Fracture development within a stratovolcano: the Karaha-Telaga Bodas geothermal field, Java volcanic arc. In: The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures (Engelder, T. and Cosgrove, J. eds.): Geological Society of London, Special Publication 231, p. 223-242.
Bloomfield, K.K. and Moore, J.N, 2003, Modeling hydrofluorocarbon compounds as geothermal tracers: Geothermics, v. 32, p. 203-218
Moore, J. N., Christenson, B., Browne, P. R. L. and Lutz, S. J., 2004, The mineralogic consequences and behavior of descending acid-sulfate waters: an example from the Karaha-Telaga Bodas geothermal system, Indonesia: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 42, p. 1483-1499.
Lynne, B.Y., Campbell, K.A., Moore, J.N. and Browne, P.R.L., 2005. Rapid diagenesis of siliceous sinter (opal-A to quartz) over 1900 years at Opal Mound, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Geology, v. 179, p; 249-278
Lynne, B.Y., Campbell, K.A., Perry, R.S, Browne, P.R.L. and Moore J.N. and, 2006. Acceleration of sinter diagenesis in an active fumarole, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Geology, in press.
Nash, G., Moore, J.N., and Sperry, T., 2003, Vegetal-spectral anomaly detection at the Cove Fort-Sulphurdale thermal anomaly, Utah, USA: implications for use in geothermal exploration: Geothermics, v. 32, p. 109-130.