Carlos Vega-Ortiz

Carbon Research Scientist

Phone: 801-581-5126

Postdoctoral Research Scientist. Carbon Science Research team. Energy and Geoscience Institute

  • Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) modeling integrated with Uncertainty Analysis and Machine Learning techniques applied to CCS projects.

  • Description and applications of CO2-N2 fluid stratification from fundamental thermodynamic properties of supercritical fluids in transport and adsorption processes.

  • Reservoir numerical characterization utilizing academic (STOMP, PetraSim-ToughReact), commercial (Petrel, Eclipse), and self-developed software.

  • Regional basin characterization and modeling for Paradox basin, Utah.

  • I-West Initiative: Geological inventory of potential CCS storage sites in inter-mountain region.

  • Development of CCS strategies for the cement industry.

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah

  • Petrophysical and geological evaluation for CCS feasibility in carbonates, Tula, Mexico.

  • Coal Bed Methane: Basin modeling and Adsorption Experiments for CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Recovery. Central Utah.

  • Characterization of geological cores by using Electronic Microscopy (SEM, FIB), Mineralogical mapping (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Triaxial rock mechanics.

  • Sorption experiments at in-house built apparatus for low permeability core flow tests under confining pressure.

  • Reservoir modeling and volumetric calculation for initial gas in place and storability.

Petroleum Geochemistry Analyst. Energy and Geoscience Institute, University of Utah:

  • Geochemical and core thermal maturity evaluation for shale reservoirs

  • Pyrolysis Experiments

Reservoir Evaluation Wireline Engineer, Schlumberger

  • Field experience for petrophysical logging services including Resistivity, Sonic, Nuclear, Magnetic Resonance, Spectroscopy, Formation Imaging, Seismic, Coring, Formation testers, and Fluid Sampling tools.

  • Assignments in Mexico, UK-North Sea, Libya, Turkey, Caspian, Egypt, for Deep-water, Shallow-water and Land locations

  • Coordinated high profile operations for fluid and geological core sampling, High Tension Logging, High-Pressure High- Temperature (HPHT), and Seismic vertical profiles.

  • Certified for radioactive, explosive, and pressure operations.

Regional & Basin Experience

  • Utah – Coalbed Methane fields

  • Mexico – Unconventional oil and gas resources Tampico Misantla Basin

  • Mexico – Coalbed Methane fields

  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Utah. December 2021 Thesis: Optimization of CO2 Mass Transport and Storage at In-Situ Conditions in Unconventional Plays: Coalbed Methane and Carbonaceous Mudstones.

  • M.S. in Petroleum Engineering, The University of Utah. December 2016 Project: Development of a numerical simulator for near borehole fluid dynamics at perforation tunnel (Matlab).

  • B.S. in Physics Engineering, Monterrey Tech, Mexico. December 2003

Language Skills

  • Spanish (Native)

  • English


  • Society of Petroleum Engineers

  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists

  • Awarded the National Hydrocarbon Scholarship, by Mexico’s Energy Secretariat (SENER) and National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) 2016-2021
  • Vega-Ortiz, C., McLennan, J.D. and Walton, I. C., (2019) Numerical simulation for near borehole fluid dynamics at perforation tunnel”, Presented at the North America Perforators Symposium, Dallas, Tx, USA., August 5-6, 2019.

  • Vega-Ortiz, Carlos, McLennan, J.D. and Walton, I.C. (2020) Numerical simulation for near borehole fluid dynamics at perforation tunnel”, Journal of the International Perforators Forum, 3, 12–41, ISSN 2471-9374.

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., Dhrupad B., Setoyama E., McLennan J.D., Ring T., Levey, R., and Martínez-Romero, N., (2020). Source Rock Evaluation in the Central-Western Flank of the Tampico Misantla Basin, Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 100.

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., Saunders, M., Vanden Berg, M. D., Omotilewua, O., McLennan, J. D. (2020) Coal Bed Methane Field Delineation and Reservoir Volumetric Estimation for CO2 Storage, Buzzard Bench Field, Emery County, Utah. AAPG-ACE (American Association of Petroleum Engineers, Annual Convention, and Exhibition), Houston, Tx, USA, Sep 29-31, 2020.

  • Vega-Ortiz C, Richards, B., Levey, R., Martínez-Romero, N., McLennan, J.D. (2020) SEM analysis of mineralogy and porosity distribution and on a carbonaceous mudstone sample of Pimienta Formation in Mexico’s Tampico Misantla Basin. Bol. Asoc. Mex. Geol. Pet. LXII, 34–71.

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., Avendaño-Petronilo, F., Richards, B., Sorkhabi, R., Torres-Barragán, L., Martínez-Romero, N., & McLennan, J. (2021). Assessment of carbon geological storage at Tula de Allende as a potential solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in central Mexico. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 109, 103362.

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., Torres-Barragan L., McLennan, J.D., (2021) Strategies for Capture Carbon Sequestration projects in Coal and Unconventional Reservoirs. Mexico Petroleum Congress, Monterrey, N.L., Mex. June 30, 2021

  • Omotilewa, O., Panga, P. Vega-Ortiz, C., McLennan, J. D., (2021) Evaluation of Enhanced Coalbed Methane (ECBM) Recovery and CO2 Sequestration Potential in Ferron Coal, Uinta Basin. 10.1016/j.jngse.2021.103979

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., McLennan, J. D., Tran, T., Levey, R. and Martínez-Romero, N. (In Preparation). Undrained Multi-Stage Triaxial Tests in the unconventional Pimienta Formation, Tampico Misantla Basin, Mexico.

  • Vega-Ortiz, C., Saunders, M., Vanden Berg, M. D., Omotilewa, O., Tran, T., McLennan, J. D., (In Preparation) Characterization of swelling during sorption and pressure transient experiments for CO2 and CH4 multiphase flow in a Ferron sandstone coal at in-situ conditions.